I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Oh, whatever.

I need to stop being such a whiny baby. After I do these 50 con law questions, I'm going to go on a bike ride. I have no reason to bitch and moan. I have a job that will teach me a lot and pay me decently (VERY decently for one person to live off of...) and won't require that I spend my mid 20s in an office, while all my friends are always out playing. Yes, I'll have to work, but I'll get a fair amount of time off, too.

Billing 1500 hours per year doesn't seem that out of line. I'm certain I can do that. :)

So what if I won't have a huge office of friends to play with? I can make more. And strengthen bonds with existing ones.

I can throw dinner parties again.

I can have an 8:30-5:30 day, every day. I think. Billing 30 hours per week doesn't sound that stressful. AT ALL.

This will be good. This is more my speed. I have no attention span, so if I get sacked with meaningless assignments, I won't do them. Here, all my assignments will be meaningful, I'll hit the ground running and figure out what I'm doing. I'll have insurance, and an IRA. So what if I only get 10 vacation days...

I will be fine. This is a great start, and it doesn't have to be forever. At least I'm employed. Hooray. OCI works, I guess.


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