I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Friday, September 23, 2005

An Open Letter to Yvette Fielding of Most Haunted:

Dear Yvette:

I love your show. I really do. I love everything about your show -- except you.

You're a good host, you look -- tight-lipped and British in a black wool overcoat and a pair of smart black slacks, with a gray cowl-necked sweater in every episode, and you're fine to set the scene but do me a favor, okay? Do us all a favor -- stop going into the places at night.

Here's why:

You're annoying as hell.

I'm sick of you, and I can tell everyone else in the cast is sick of you. Here's my impression of you at the slightest noise: "AHHH! DIDJA HEAH THAT?! DID YOUUUU HEAH THAT? AHH! AHH! *BEEP* *BEEP* SOME'FING TOUCHED ME! TOM! DID YOU HEAR THAT?! TOM? DID YOU HEAR THAT? DID YOU HEAR THAT? DID YOU HEAR THAT?! DID YOU HEAR THAT? ::SCREAM:: DID YOU HEAR THAT?!" I SEE AN ARM! I SEE AN ARM!"

Hey Yvette - shut the fuck up.

I want to hear it too... but I can't above your constant questioning. Wasn't it in your job description like to be able to shut up and watch/listen for ghosts? I mean... maybe you can hear it, but I can't above your sqawking. So hush. Please. For the love of all things holy.



Blogger Mike said...

I watched that show based on your recommendation and I want that hour of my life back. Not only was that woman as annoying as you state, but the medium was unintentionally hilarious. It seems like this is the kind of show you should be deriding, not lauding. In the episode I watched, they visited some old manor, where in one of the rooms, a homosexual priest was allegedly crucified. I know this because they mentioned it about 150 TIMES. People would duck into the shot to say, "The green room. Gay priest. Crucifixion." And then they would wander off again. And this would repeat every few seconds or so. And then they waited in that room for something scary to happen and... nothing happened. Maybe it was just a bad episode, I don't know, but this show is not nearly as good as America's Funniest Videos (the funniest show on TV).

6:24 PM

Blogger SuperBee said...

It was a bad episode, Mike. I promise. Keep watching. You need 3 under your belt... as long as you can deal w/ Yvette...

8:23 PM

Blogger SuperBee said...

Um. Mike and Amanda... I love you guys. Weird crazy girl... Bless your lil' heart. Yvette still sucks.

9:14 PM

Blogger SuperBee said...

See? I agree with JBardi. Everyone on the show hates Yvette. I wish there was an address where I could write a letter...

Stupid Yvette. And I hate her new haircut, too.

2:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey whats wrong wiv u all yvettes a normal human being like all of us jus cus she is the producer n presenter n how do u know that all the crew except karl hate yvette.yvette may get scared so does it matta everybodys different jus because she gets scared we dont love her for that we love her for make tv a better thing to watch so hve some fucking respect for her plz

12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and she isnt a whiney lil princess cus shes married to a camera man it doesnt mean everyone has to worship the ground she walks on deep inside u like yvette if u dont ur a lunatic

1:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i agree wiv laura me there is nothin wrong wiv yvette personally

1:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Yvette do program like haunted house when she are the most unqualified person in this world to do it? I have never seen a more unproffesional acting and hosting person in a program like this!

There must be thousands and thousands of more qualified people who could host this program thousands times better than she and her scary team can do.

The sadest part is that Derek has to participate with her instead of kicking her ass all the way to the where she belong, as a coffey girl!

What is the purpose with this program anyway?
Is it the crew and the coffey girl that is the interesting issue or is it the meaning of the program title; Haunted house?

There must be a lot of other programs where this crew could do something other than spoiling MY pleasure all the time!

A good advice for YVETTE is to start a knitting club and NEVER even come near a camera for the rest of her life!
You suck and I can never understand what your earnings are by acting like the BIG WUZZ you are!

1:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wounder if she moans as much when she is getting £ucked.
moaning cow she is

4:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what pisses me off is the way people say "i have just seen a orb.
well all i can say is STOP TAKING DRUGS.lets face it you druggies see orbs every day

4:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are being really mean about her, theres no need for you to say things like this.
Some of this stuff on here is just really horrible and I think some of you have gone over the top!

The crew dont hate Yvette, they are all really good friends, I dont know where you get your information from, but you couldnt be more wrong! Have any of you here actually met Yvette? I havent, but I want to, but some of my friends have and they say shes a really nice person.

Also can I just say one thing to the anonymous person (probably too ashamed to say their name) that its not right to call Yvette a vampire! I know she does look a bit pale, but thats because she has some sort of skin condition (I forgot the name) and thats not a thing to make fun of, its not as if she wants to have it!

Also I think you guys are a bit weird, posting wishing someone (who did nothing to you) would die!

Kayleigh xx

12:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally love Yvette, pretty much everyone on here appears to have absolutely no life at all, pathetic. I actually pity the majority of you, jealousy is a terrible thing.

3:12 PM


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