I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Go. Here. Now.

If ye happen to be in Law School, I highly recommend that you check this out. I will post it here, because I am semi-Blogspot illiterate (for such an easy-templated site, they don't make obvious things easy...like posting links...or maybe it's just because I'm too fucking impatient to look for directions. Searching for federal cases where a party objects to "marshalling evidence," and then doing one's taxes tends to make one's eyes lazy - especially when the last eye checkup one had was Junior year in college...)

Anyhoo, I like these guys' page. Be forewarned, I may steal ideas from it, but I will never, EVER plagiarize, as I don't feel like amending my bar application. P.S. They've started my background check. Say nice things.


I likes it. Although, they once took a dig at people in business casual in backpacks. I must look like a royal asshole, while stomping around in fancy, fancy I-talian suits, with a Northface Mainframe (the dorkiest of the North Face line) slung casually over one of my shoulders, destroying the padding in each and every one of my suits....

They have also given me an idea for a blog post, which I will now throw up there, as I am avoiding writing a 25 page paper on where to click on Lexis Nexis to find Immigration law review articles. It's the most brainless paper I have ever written, and it hurts.


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