I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I enjoy being anonymous.

On some of the blogs I frequent, occasionally, when someone's being an ass, I slip out of witty, quippy "SuperBee" character, and dive in to what I'd actually like to say in comments. Thank goodness for the anonymous feature.

I did it recently on a Blog I'm addicted to. I enjoy doing it. It's good practice for me to prove someone wrong, and watch them pull the "YOU'RE ON A TANGENT!" defense. No, I'm not on a tangent, I'm just attacking the argument that I'm instantly drawn to as wrong.

Frequently, Anonymous comments (not mine) are drive-by bashings laden with racism or poorly-constructed thoughts.

Mine ain't like that, but I get to say what I want to say and attack ridiculous characters with their own idiocy or hypocricy without fear of repurcussions outside the "blogosphere."

I feel like I have a pretty distinct writing style, (I use a lot of commas) so now that I've admitted this, Go! Go forth and hunt for comments!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, 98% of people* on the planet don't know a comma splice from a slice of pie. What's distinctive about your writing (I feel) is actually your diction, not your punctuation.

I found you!

* I made up this statistic.

5:25 PM

Blogger SuperBee said...

And this, Yvette, is why I don't know you, but I've decided through reading your blog and your comments...that I like you. :)

Is it that my commas add diction to my writing?

6:18 PM

Blogger SuperBee said...

(I guess because I'm two glasses of white wine and an eggnog into the evening, I write thoughts I thought were there but aren't...)

That should have started, "You're a smart cookie, Yvette. Smart n' pretty."

6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, you're sweet, SuperBee. Thanks! My brain is trying so hard to create a suitable pun for addiction/add diction, but it appears that my addiction to caffeine actually adds diction. And I, alas, sans coffee this morning...

I'd better go try to find some sense in a coffee pot.

6:32 AM

Blogger dmbmeg said...

oh i know who you are!!!!! and by the way, excess commas are my pet peeve. about 98% of the population does not know how to use them properly. so there!

i prefer not to be anonymous since i am still holding out hope that my blog might actually get me laid.

6:17 PM


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