I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Short hiatus.

I essentially amputated the top third of my left thumbnail (read: thumb) on Saturday.

As such, I cannot type very well, and I don't want to subject the mutilated remains of one of my most important digits to unneeded vibrations or banging while I'm trying to let it heal.

So, I'm not going to post much for the next couple of days (OH GOD, WHY!?) until it heals, and I can' take the bandages off of it, without wanting to THROW UP IN MY MOUTH.

Maybe later on today, I'll take a picture of my thumb and put it up there. I'll do that when I change "the dressing" this evening.

Until then, I ran across this blog which is hilarious and wonderful, and you should read that.


Blogger JB said...

Did this injury have anything to do with your lack of suitable knives? Hope it gets better soon. I had a gravy accident over a month ago and my thumb is now scarring up nicely....

10:38 AM


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