I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


The Conservative Rabbinate has approved same-sex unions! While they still passed teshuvuot that forbids homosexuality, my religion, thank goodness, allows for two contradictory answers to be correct and upheld, as long as there is support in the law for both of them. And one of those tenants that we can be joined in a union!

My faith in Judaism as a "big tent" religion... somewhat more affirmed. Oh, sure we've got odd customs, and I don't understand what goes on in Schul, but I'm grateful that I belong to a compassionate religion that's able to evolve in order to survive...

To the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards: Way to go. I might even go out and join a schul now. If I can afford it...


Blogger Rootietoot said...

congrats! That has to feel good :o)

1:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUDE! did you watch the real world last night? please tell me you did!

9:13 AM

Blogger SuperBee said...

Dude, I totally missed it (I was attending gallery openings and wandering through "The Containers.") but it'll be on again, oh, FIFTY MILLION TIMES. So I'll catch up. Then we can chat.

And yes, RT, it does feel nice to know that God officially doesn't hate me.

11:23 AM


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