Hiatus coming, hoardes...
Dear Bitches,
I am going to have to stop writing in this until at least the 21st of March. "Why," you ask? Well, I have a lot on my plate. For starters, I have to take the ethics portion of the bar on Saturday. Later that same day, I leave for Spring Break. I am going South-of-the-Southern-Most-B0rder-of-Mexico, to Guatemala. Que honda.
That's basically it. I'm doing my MPRE studying and I'm packing for good ole' Guat.
In the meantime, I've updated this twice already today, so you should have nothing to piss and moan about. I leave you with a string of consciousness word piece, seeing as how my last few blogs suck anyway.
Cantaloupe, melon, pink, seeds, insides, scoop, cold, summer, goldenrod, field across the street from my house, bulldozers, clump of trees, empty beercans, pabst blue ribbon, Wisconsin, State Street, Triangle Market, being stoned, the towers, brown bricks urban outfitters, Hillel, the smell of chopped onions and sterno, brisket, crockpots, brown plaid, burlap, roughness, nursery school arts and crafts projects, palm sunday, the nursery school music teacher playing on an upright piano, the smell of methodist churches, old ladies in long blue coats, oatmeal, brown sugar, molasses, rum, that time in Sevilla when I drank a bottle of it on Christina's last night, walking home, talking drunk to my Senora, drinking a pitcher of water, having a too-full stomach, Fuddrucker's.
The end.