I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Speaking of trends...

Actually, we're not speaking of trends at all, but I was thinking tonight about what I have to wear tomorrow to transition from "Day" to "Night"-wear.

Yeah, it's pretty gay. Sue me.

Anyhoo, I needed to be able to dress for the office, but also so that when I go to JAM at MAM or whatever the MAM Partners thing is... I'll be warm enough.


Remember the late '90s? That's when a lot of my suits date from. Well, one.

Remember how around the turn-of-the-century, three-piece suits were in style?

And remember then how they went OUT of style?

And remember how vests are like totally back?

I have a three piece suit!

I'd stowed the vest away in the far reaches of my closet, and as I was thinking, "How do I stay warm enough at MAM, because it's not like cold enough down here for a trenchcoat, but I could still get a little nippy outside after dark..." when it hit me.


Wear your vest tomorrow! That way, you can go from classy at the office, to warm at a "thing!"

And, yeah, okay, the suit isn't vented, which dates it a bit, but at least people won't be looking at my front going, "A VEST!? Who's that toolbox?"

Well... they may be.

But I won't really care all that much. Because I'll be warm.