I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka. So...have a heart?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bodies = Trauma.

Tonight, Lauren and I went and had some totally mediocre (read: bad) Mexican food on Sunset. Then, Lauren and I went to see Bodies.

It's an exhibit of plastinated and flayed corpses that teaches us about anatomy. I think there's been some outcry because it was put together out of Chinese Prisoners and Mental Institution patients. Who cares. They're dead.

I walked away from the exhibit with an absolute awe of all off the interconnected systems and structures that form the human body.

It is absolutely amazing.

It was also the most awful two hours of my life.

I'm what we call "squeamish."

Lauren got a real kick out of watching me gasp and swoon at everything. I was. a. fucking. pussy.

But it's sort of gross, and whenever I see bones and muscles and nerves and structures, and flayed testicles, flayed babies, and babies with spina bifidas and external organs, it makes me REALLY squeamish, and every bone, muscle and structure in my body hurts.

I learned what penises are made out of, I saw ovaries, hell, I learned what EVERYTHING is made out of. It was an absoloutely amazing exhibit. They took people apart forwards, backwards, right and left.

There was even a guy holding hands with his own full skeleton. Yeah. Freaky shit.

But, the entire time, I was on the verge of totally passing out. From horror.

And then the worst thing that could have happened, happened.



I freaked out, and made her wash her hands before we left. And I washed my arm.

And I told her that she's unclean and now has to take a mikvah.

Atholton? Iiich.

This is just a continuation of a comment chain with someone. For most of you, this will make no sense. That's okay. For some of you, you'll understand parts of it. For one or two of you, you may understand the entire thing.

How did Aaron get out of going to Beit'Filah? (Beit'Filah, everybody come and have a good time, ba-dum-bum-bum, sing a sweet song, all day long, who cares if the Song doesn't rhyme?) Especially when you and Bubba had to trek into Pikesville every day (what was THAT commute like?) (I just realized all your names start with "A.")

And iiich. Why would he want to go to ATHOLTON?! That was where all the ::gag:: Laurel people went to school. Laurel and Scaggsville. They were the kids who got pregnant and cut themselves. I guess those kids went to Howard also... And Glenelg. And Mount Hebron. Pretty much any school not located in Columbia Proper. Even Atholton was on an outparcel, right?

You know, I just had a thought. Remember that book, "Wait till Helen Comes?" About that burnt shell of a house, and the ghost? And shit? I wonder if that was written about the Simpsonville Mill ruins that Cedar Lane now runs over. That's the only kind of ruins I can really think of (except for the ruins of that house in Bryant Woods, that are now a tot lot... or the Patapsco Womens Institution in Old Ellicott City... or Hell House behind Old Ellicott City.) But Mary Downing Hahn who wrote the book was from Columbia. I think she lived in Centennial. She came and spoke to our 6th grade reading class.

Well that was an odd tangent... to get from Atholton to Wait till Helen Comes. But they're in the same neighborhood... so... okay. The end.