Bodies = Trauma.
Tonight, Lauren and I went and had some totally mediocre (read: bad) Mexican food on Sunset. Then, Lauren and I went to see Bodies.
It's an exhibit of plastinated and flayed corpses that teaches us about anatomy. I think there's been some outcry because it was put together out of Chinese Prisoners and Mental Institution patients. Who cares. They're dead.
I walked away from the exhibit with an absolute awe of all off the interconnected systems and structures that form the human body.
It is absolutely amazing.
It was also the most awful two hours of my life.
I'm what we call "squeamish."
Lauren got a real kick out of watching me gasp and swoon at everything. I was. a. fucking. pussy.
But it's sort of gross, and whenever I see bones and muscles and nerves and structures, and flayed testicles, flayed babies, and babies with spina bifidas and external organs, it makes me REALLY squeamish, and every bone, muscle and structure in my body hurts.
I learned what penises are made out of, I saw ovaries, hell, I learned what EVERYTHING is made out of. It was an absoloutely amazing exhibit. They took people apart forwards, backwards, right and left.
There was even a guy holding hands with his own full skeleton. Yeah. Freaky shit.
But, the entire time, I was on the verge of totally passing out. From horror.
And then the worst thing that could have happened, happened.
I freaked out, and made her wash her hands before we left. And I washed my arm.
And I told her that she's unclean and now has to take a mikvah.