Live n' Learn.
I'm having a party tomorrow night. It's an old-people themed party, where the attendees are
Where do I come up with this stuff?
No clue.
But I digress.
I'm one of those morons who always cleans before a party (I know, I know!) but that's just because my pad is so kicky, I want people to see it clean.
Tonight, I decided to stay in. And clean. Mainly to tackle the ever-expanding pile of paper on the counter by my front door.
I've spent the last hour picking through receipts, and Bed Bath & Beyond coupons, American Spirit Cigarette flyers (Sheesh, you sign up for two packs during Art Basel when you're desperate for a smoke at Heist, and you get mail for life...) and the rest of the accumulated detritus that has built-up in that small corner of my home since the last time I cleaned it out... I don't remember when.
The lesson I've learned. Are you ready?
I do not like to open bills.
There. I said it. Bills, bank statements, credit card correspondence. I won't open it. I flatly refuse. Oh, sure, I pay my bills. I just don't open them. I have two stacks, seven inches high apiece, of unopened bills. That I neither intend to throw away, nor do I intend to open...
The other lesson I'm learning is maybe, just maybe, I should take everyone up on their offers to send me e-bills and cut down on paper...
But, eh. I'll just keep collecting the unopened bills and storing them in my filing cabinet... I mean, if FPL is going to charge me for electricity, the least I can do is get my money's worth out of postage... right?